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Scents for White Label Range

We have a range of blends of essential oils or synthetic fragrance oils that you can chose to scent your products.

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Choosing a scent can be tricky (but at the same time fun) as there is so much variation in personal preferences in regards to what constitutes a nice smelling product. Some people prefer flowery smells while others prefer woody or citrus fragrances. It is very individual. We have a number of natural essential oil blends available to scent your products which cover the range of scents available.


We also have several synthetic fragrance oils available for those who prefer rich and complex scents and not concerned about using synthetic fragrances.


Alternatively you can have your products scent free if your aiming at the sensitive skin market. We do however recommend to add a small amount of some scent to creams and cleansers as these have an inherent smell some may find unappealing while others do not seem to mind. Serums on the other hand do not have an inherent smell and are fine to remain scent free and often we recommend to keep them so as in many cases they are applied underneath a scented cream.


Remember you will not please everyone so chose something you think would appeal to the majority of your market but be aware you will always get customers who will not like the smell you chose. Do not take it personal.

  you do not want the scents to clash.

Below is a list of blends to chose from. Please specify which scent your prefer in the comment box provided when ordering online.



Floral Scents:


Geranium, Rose & Sandlewood


Geranium, Jasmine & Bergamot


Woody Scents


Sandlewood & Grapefruit


Sandlewood, Orange and Jasmine


Herbaceous Scents


Lavander & Sandlewood


Lavander & Orange


Citrus Scents


Grapefruit, Lemongrass and Peppermint


Lemongrass & Bergamot


Note: All citrus essential oils used that may potentially cause any photosensitivity reaction are used at safe levels to prevent any reactions. ie Bergamot, grapefruit.




La Vie En Rose - a beautiful fragrance with an intensely floral note. This fragrance is uplifting with a beautiful bouquet of fresh floral and peony note


Lily of the Valley - Vibrant florals of lily, jasmine, rose and gardenia are intoxicating on a spicy background.


Lime and Coconut - Fresh coconut and lime are blended with warm sandlewood.





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